Posted v sekci: Novinky, Novinky - ACTA.

The Association of Czech Translation Companies would like to invite you to the presentation by Konstantin Dranch, with the title of “Big Data in Translation: How it will shape and influence the industry”. Cloud translation platforms bring in the ability to benchmark statistics across a vast user base. Quality, productivity and memory leverage can finally be transparent. What does it mean for you?

Konstantin Dranch is an observer and researcher of translation markets. In the CIS region he runs website that identifies and ranks leading LSPs, and was one of the creators of two national conferences: Translation Forum Russia and the Ukrainian Translation Industry Conference. Since 2014, Konstantin has worked at Memsource, the company behind a leading translation platform.

The presentation will be given as part of the Jeronym’s Days conference, on 12 November at 4pm, at K-centrum, Senovážné nám. 23, Prague 1.